Sugar paste, marzipan, icing

Want to buy mastic?
Our company cooperates with well-known foreign manufacturers whose products are characterized by quality and ease of use. With these products, anyone can realize their exotic confectionery fads.
We can buy mastic in Ukraine. In particular, available paste cake, buy you like and it is not difficult, but the time to search is not always enough. Mastic for decorating sweet products is viscous and plastic mass which is able to receive and store any desired shape. Especially popular among confectioners paste to decorate cakes.
Sweets from professional confectioners - it's not only good taste, but also the appearance of sophistication of products. Flowers, patterns, labels - all of which help create a mastic confectionery, which can be purchased in our online store
.Mastic for colors allows you to create products that can be used to decorate cakes and pastries, as well as a self-decoration of the festive table. Food mastic is quite popular in the industrial manufacture of confectionery sweets, and for use at home.
Where to buy mastic - now it does not matter. It is enough to make a request to the online store of the confectionery equipment.
What about the marzipan and icing?
Now buy marzipan which can also be with us. Marzipan - a flexible mass of powdered sugar with a frayed, crushed nuts. From this mixture do candy products, and small ornaments, hands create different figures and flowers. In our shop marzipan exclusively from leading manufacturers, and you can buy it on request.
A great demand is the icing and - decorating cakes of sugar protein mass, which can be either white or color (dyes for this purpose can also be purchased in our store). Flexible icing combined with special mats allow decorate sweets thin elegant details.
icing Jewelery usually accompany events such as:
- wedding;
- New Year's celebration;
- birthday.
To decorate wedding events for sugar flowers am building a whole basket of icing. They have a wonderful view, and not a bit inferior to its solemnity other decorations.
icing can be bought in our store, a variety of options you will be pleasantly surprised.