The master stencil Template "Eclair"

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21*30 см
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Cell size :3.5 cm X12
The master Stencil is of exceptional templates for chocolate, icing and the icing!

Working with the stencil placed exactly under him the finished conversion film with a pattern. Using special socotrensis with pictures or logos, try to locate it so that the stencil is completely matched with the picture. We always figure exactly matches the template. Then melt the chocolate glaze to a temperature of 32 degrees or take a pre-prepared tempered chocolate. The icing or chocolate is evenly applied to the stencil using a pastry spatula completely filling the cell. Control, that would be on the flat surface of the template was minimal amount of chocolate or frosting. Leave to harden for 30 – 60 minutes, then put into the fridge for 15 – 30 minutes to cool. After cooling, carefully remove the foil and extract the finished product. If the first pouring of the product is too thin, you want to put an additional layer of chocolate or glaze and re-cooling.

Wanting to work without the use of transfers, you should put plastic wrap under the stencil and follow the above procedure. While working with icing the cooling process in the refrigerator completely eliminated and replaced with, for hardening at room temperature.

We will be happy to design any template to suit Your logo and pictures!

Stencils are made of high quality food grade plastic, to safeguard it is recommended to follow some simple rules of storage and operation:

  • You should not pour hot glaze.
  • Should not be washed with hot water.
  • To avoid direct sunlight.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from heating elements.


21*30 см

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